This blog contains my own personal opinions only

This blog contains my own personal opinions only
This blog contains my own personal opinions only

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Hi Patriot back

Hi patriots Just to dispel the theories out there I have not been online because my laptop packed up not because some people think that I have been locked up and convicted of anything, I have had discussions with the Marxist fascist authorities over the last few weeks but I have not done anything wrong and will continue to challenge the incompetence of the Marxist fascist police and there Marxist Fascist controllers on the council with vigour I have a question for all tax payers in stoke on trent when did you think that you agreed to spend 15 million pounds on a new bus station (that isn't big enough to cope with the buses) and 65 million pounds on a new ivory tower for the muslim Marxist fascist led council OH YES WHEN YOU VOTED LABOUR AT THE LAST ELECTIONS WAKE UP STOKE ON TRENT YOU ARE BEEN LED LIKE SHEEP NOW IS THE TIME TO SAY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH