This blog contains my own personal opinions only

This blog contains my own personal opinions only
This blog contains my own personal opinions only

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Stoke-on -Trent a Muslim City

There are 16 mosques in Stoke-on-Trent and counting The leader of the liebour council is a Muslim Last year muslims were jailed for threatening to blow up our pubs There is a sharia court in Tunstall There are no go areas in this city for WHITES The vast majority of private landlords are muslim Muslim grooming is going on and the police are doing nothing Churches are closing and mosques are growing THERE IS LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL WE AT STOKE BNP ARE THE LIGHT WE WILL FIGHT FOR OUR CITY WE WILL FIGHT FOR OUR COUNTRY AND WE WILL FIGHT FOR OUR ENGLISH IDENTITY A brave soldier was massacred last week in woolwich by muslim extremists how long before it happens in Stoke on trent PLEASE STAND UP BE COUNTED AND SAY WE ARE ENGLISH WE ARE PROUD AND WE WILL NOT BE SLAUGHTERED BY THE MUSLIM SCUM THAT HAVE INVADED YOUR COUNTRY