This blog contains my own personal opinions only

This blog contains my own personal opinions only
This blog contains my own personal opinions only

Saturday, 6 July 2013

MALTA The island that beat the German invasion

I have just had a 10 day holiday in Malta a wonderful country with a rich history this is our first visit whist they have been in Europe and the difference is frightening. 11 years ago when we last visited all the staff were Maltese Now with Europe's involvement most of the staff are polish or bulgarians. hotels are being bought by spanish germans and the malta people are being pushed out. there is robberies on the buses by romanions while we were there, there was a wedding around the corner from our hotel and the police were called because they wouldnt allow any whites up the road THIS IS EUROPE IN A SMALL COUNTRY ERGO ENGLAND ON A MASSIVE SCALE Here in England we are being taken over by musilms what other country would accept a group calling themselveS IED ARE YOU GOING TO LET THE MUSLIM EXTREMISTS TAKE OVER Besides the muslims in january next year our borders are opened to romanion criminal gangs DO YOU WANT WHATS HAPPENING IN MALTA HAPPEN HERE WAKE UP CALL FOLKS IT IS HAPPENING MY COUNTRY IS BEING TAKEN OVER IT WAS BEING RUN BY EUROPE IT IS NOW BEING RUN BY EUROISLAMICS MALTA ENDURED UNTOLD MISERY AND DESTRUCTION AT THE HANDS OF THE GERMANS DURING THE SECOND WORLD WAR AND IS GOING THROUGH IT AGAIN LEGALLY THROUGH EUROPE NOW IS THE TIME TO FIGHT BACK ENOUGH IS ENOUGH I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK JOIN THE BNP NOW