This blog contains my own personal opinions only

This blog contains my own personal opinions only
This blog contains my own personal opinions only

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

The gradual occupation of STOKE ON TRENT by ethnic groups gathers pace

According to the 2011 census 8.3+ % of the population of stoke on trent are asian that dosnt include polish and other European immigration which just goes to show that my city is being taken over with the blessing of the facist marxist liebour council. At a time of major cuts to the local services mainly used by the indigenous population of my city. Closure of care homes for our elderly Making school crossings dangerous for our kids by getting rid of the traditional lolly pop man and woman. closing our community centres closing our libraries and swimming pools closing our local gyms and making it very difficult for white people to open community gyms withdrawing funding for our children's centres closing remploy a major employer of our disabled residents So what does this marxist council do allow mass immigration to our already overcrowded city ensuring votes for themselves allowing these immigrants to build there mosques women only gyms (WHICH IS RACISM AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE) Destroy stoke town centre whilst spending over £40 million pounds of taxpayers money on a new monstrosity of a civic centre. WHEN WILL THE WHITE INDIGENOUS POPULATION OF THIS CITY WAKE UP AND REALISE YOU ARE BEING USED AND ABUSED BY LABOUR TORY AND LIB DEMS whilst immigrants are being well looked after

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