This blog contains my own personal opinions only

This blog contains my own personal opinions only
This blog contains my own personal opinions only

Sunday, 24 July 2011

be aware of a computer scam doing the rounds

Home computer users in the Staffordshire area have been targeted
by a series of phone scams that try and convince the intended victim
that there is a problem with their computer and to give them access to
it so they can help.
Of course once they have gained access to the computer they
attempt to perform malicious acts and theft of private data and finical
Staffordshire based I.T company DataWreck Data Recover's in house
security staff have examined three computers that have attempted to be
compromised and the risk is quite severe.
The callers falsely claim they are phoning from software
manufactures Microsoft whom created the Windows operating system. They
then inform you that they have detected a security problem with your
system and direct you to download some software to help them access your
computer and fix it.
This software is legitimate remote access software and thus does
not trigger any antivirus software that may be installed on the users
system. Once this is completed the scammers then can connect to the
computer and proceed to disable all security features as if they were
sitting in front of your computer.
Once this is done the scammers can download anything they want to your system and see what you are doing.
Joe Coll, a computer technician at DataWreck commented "It is
highly irregular to receive a call from Microsoft and no action should
be taken under the advice of these people. Instead hang up the phone
and call Microsoft directly to confirm. If you have carried out any of
the instructions they have given, stop using your computer immediately
and take it a computer security expert. It may also be advisable to
contact your bank to inform them you may have been a victim of computer

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