This blog contains my own personal opinions only

This blog contains my own personal opinions only
This blog contains my own personal opinions only

Saturday 9 July 2011

council wants tennants to do there own repairs

So now council tennents will have to do there own repairs please councillors remind me what do tennents pay rent for oh sorry to line the pockets of executives and the like.Another way the labour council is hitting the poor and vulnerable.What next, do they want us to clean the streets or maybe empty our own bins.Maybe we could all buy a tin of white paint and paint our own road markings

1 comment:

  1. They should just sack the whole lot and have estate-based handymen as the current system sends out arrogant workmen who don't give a crap about residents or their personal property anyway. I gave up reporting anything I could fix for myself years ago after a string of issues with so-called professionals and a complaints system that is not fit for purpose.
