This blog contains my own personal opinions only

This blog contains my own personal opinions only
This blog contains my own personal opinions only

Sunday, 9 October 2011


Ok, Im ranting now!!, I wasnt but this Country has people living in it who simply cannot open their eyes and see the wood for the  trees!!!
Lets look at a couple of things shall we?

1. A Bloke drops a tenner and is fined £50!
2. A little girl is run over and killed by an illegal asylum seeker and he is not deported!
3. A girl in Blackpool is murdered by Muslims who escape jail because of a technical error in their prosecution.
4. A bunch of Muslims in Rotherham rape a number of children and are given light sentences, a few even get off scot free, and the kids are scarred for life!
5. Muslim clerics spout treason, disgusting remarks to our returning soldiers even threats to behead them etc, and we refuse to deport him!
6. Muslims call for and attempt to establish sharia law in cities in the UK! And we allow them to get off without any police action at all!
7. Muslim radicals set fire to flags in London whilst the police watch them, no action!
8. Muslims burn poppies on remembrance day and escape any prosecution whatsoever!!
Now, you tell me? Is it me? or is this Country all bolloxed up?
When good people are persecuted whilst evil hate mongers go free and are lauded?
When state sponsored thugs are given precedence to make disgusting defamatory comments about people, simply because they support a different political party?
When a man! A free one at that, can be persecuted for his political beliefs, and thrown out of his teaching job, simply because the state are afraid that people will support his claims that, the older political parties are corrupt and out of touch with people?? Even though his politics never came into the classroom at all??
When free people are not allowed to follow their democratic right to protest in a country which their ancestors fought and died to give them??
And when a man, cannot expect to be treated fairly and equally in his own country, even after he has served and fought, and seen his friends shot and blown up??
If you cant see this you are an ignorant buffoon! And you do not deserve to live in a free society and with decent honest people, at least we who stand up for these things can sleep nights and will die knowing that whatever happens, we tried to make a difference!
What about you? Stop being an Ostrich and wake up to this!! you are only as free as the government decide you can be!
We have been fighting against these things now for years, our day will come, but if you stand with us it will speed it up! When will you stand? what will cause you to finally decide that youve had enough?
"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot."

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