This blog contains my own personal opinions only

This blog contains my own personal opinions only
This blog contains my own personal opinions only

Wednesday, 12 October 2011


                                                                                                         THIS WILL HAPPEN IN STOKE ON TRENT UNLESS YOU STOP IT JOIN THE BNP THE ONLY PARTY TO TELL THE TRUTH 

‘It's not your ground any more – it's our patch!’ Somalians tell London firemen

Share this In light of the tragic fire at Neasden, North West London, which claimed six lives, disturbing information was given to our South East London British National Party correspondent Gary James.
A serving fireman stated that recently he and three colleagues were sent to check the fire hydrants at a council estate in South East London. The firemen were confronted by a Somalian gang, who told them, ‘It's not your ground any more. It's our patch!’
Not wishing it to become a ‘flashpoint’ for another multi-racial incident, the firemen decided to withdraw and report to their superiors.
The fireman told our correspondent that fire appliances only carry 300 gallons of water, which although sounds a lot, is very quickly used up in situations such as the recent Tottenham and Croydon riots.
Therefore, it is crucial that access to mains water supply, through hydrants, is regularly checked. It is each fire station's responsibility to carry out these checks.
In typical devotion to duty, the fireman added, ‘If called out, we would possibly be saving the lives of everyone on this estate, regardless of where they originate from!’
The feeling of these firemen is that this vital safety issue has been ‘pushed under the carpet’ due to political correctness.
To date, these checks have still not been carried out.
The British National Party – Supporting Our Firemen!

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